F4 Customs Motorcycle Windshield Dealers

If you would like to see the quality of our windshields yourself find a dealer near you.

Dealer State City Phone Site
Sullivan Cycles AL Hartsvelle 256-387-0014 --
Homewood Motorcycles Inc. AL Birmingham 205-942-3313 https://www.bignumber1.com
D&D Discount Motorcycles AZ Tempe 480-731-9003 https://dddiscountmotorcycles.com
Vanderhall of Chico CA Chico 530-588-9613 https://www.vanderhallofchico.com
Wingstuff.com CA Lake Forest 800-260-4050 http://www.wingstuff.com
SlingMods.com CA Simi Valley 800-211-1396 http://www.slingmods.com/
Dynamic Cycle Parts Inc. Canada 289-371-3025 https://dynamiccycleparts.com
Fremont Powersports CO Florence (888) 759-6128 https://fremontmotorsports.com/
Route 1 Motorsports FL Grant 321-725-7225 http://www.route1motorsports.com/
Sid's Motorcycle World FL West Palm Beach 561-309-5510 http://www.sidsmotorcycleworld.com/
Hahn Racing FL Daytona Beach, (386)-238-9292 https://www.hahnracecraft.com
Slingshot Only FL Sarasota (941) 203-5792 https://slingshotonly.com
The Roadster Guys LLC FL Fort Lauderdale 954-916-7827 --
Gold Rider 24 France B.P. 65 Aquitaine +33 553802816 https://www.gold-rider.fr
C & C Custom Cycle IA Chariton 641-774-7494 https://www.cc-cycle.com
Niehaus Cycle Sales IL Litchfield 800-373-6565 http://www.niehauscycle.com
Ted's Motorcycle World IL Alton (618) 462-3030 https://www.tedsmotorcycleworld.com
Dennis Kirk MN Rush City 800-969-7501 https://www.denniskirk.com/f4-customs
Cowtown USA Inc MO Cuba 573-885-6300 https://cowtownusainc.com
Schroader's Honda NC Hendersonville 828-693-4101 https://schroaders.com
Brewer Cycle NC Henderson (800) 948-3480 http://brewercycles.com/
Smoky Mountain Steel NC Waynesville (828) 452-7276 https://smokymountainsteelhorses.com
Wheel's Inc ND Fargo 701-235-6459 http://www.wheels-inc.com/
Goldwing Plus NH Freemont 603-895-9445 https://www.facebook.com/goldwingsplus/
LilleRolfs MC Shop Norway Arendal 38 36 09 09 https:// www.lillerolf-mc.no
Kerr's Service Center NY Dansville 585-752-0694 https://kerrsservicecenter.com
Honda of Fairfield OH Fairfield 513-858-1000 http://www.hondaoffairfield.com
Ride 1 Powersports OH Springfield 937-323-0513 http://ridelpowersports.com
Crockett Powersports LLC TN Chattanooga 423-760-3670 http://www.crockettpowersports.com
East Tennessee ATV TN Elizabethton (423) 542-6109 http://easttnatv.com
DFW Honda TX Grapevine 817-421-4663 http://www.dfwhonda.com
Grapevine Kawasaki Polaris TX Grapevine 817-481-2500 http://www.grapevinekawasaki.com
Stubbs Harley-Davidson TX Houston 713-644-7535 http://www.stubbshd.com/
House of Sound Car Audio TX Houston 713-991-7011 https://www.facebook.com/houseofsoundhouston/
Joey's Illusion Auto Body & Paint TX Burleson 8175281637 https://www.joeysillusion.com/
Team Mancuso Powersports Southwest TX Houston 713-995-9944 --wwwmancuso-hd.com
The VanderSpa TX Denton 214-477-2290 https://facebook.com/thevanderspa
Timpanogos Harley-Davidson UT Lindon 801-434-4647 https://timpharley.com
Steadmans Rereation UT Tooele 435-882-3344 https://www.steadmans.net
Cycle City Inc. dba Honda World UT South Jordan 801-572-9800 https://hondaworldslc.com
Honda of Norfolk VA Norfolk 757-857-0107 http://www.hondaofnorfolk.net/
Metricks VA Manassas Park 703.330.8883 https://www.metricks.us
Kozie Kustom Toys VA Woodbridge (703) 397-3019 https://koziekustomtoys.com/
Slingshot Adventures VA Virginia Beach (757) 524-4895 https://www.slingshotadventure.com
Law Abiding Biker WA SELAH https://shop.lawabidingbiker.com
Blacksmith Motoring WI Racine 888-740-2077 --www.blacksmithmotoring.com
Vanderhall of Central Wisconsin WI Stratford 715-321-5695 https://vanderhallofcentralwisconsin.com

F4 Customs

F4 Custom is a leader in the aftermarket motorcycle windshield industry. In March of 2005, F4 Customs started daily operations by launching a new high-quality aftermarket windshield to rival what was currently on the market. The windshields are manufactured using the highest optical grade polycarbonate available. This Lexan® material is UV stabilized to help prevent it from drying out and becoming brittle. Polycarbonate is over 30X more impact resistant than acrylic. The patented proprietary process and coatings give the F4 windshields the best rain-shedding ability on the market without using special waxes or polishes.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our company you can call941-347-7496 or email us atsales@f4customs.com.


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